php error happened

Technical information
Error type256
Error descriptionIllegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb3_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
Error file/home/bytow145/public_html/blindex/connections/Connection.php
Error line668
SQL querySELECT `Date`, `Page`, `Type`, `Subject`, `Author`, `Railway`, `Location`, `ProvinceState`, `Notes`, `PDF` FROM `Branchline_Index` WHERE ( ( ( ( `Date`='2020-11-01' ) and ( Page=14 ) and ( `Type`='Photograph' ) and ( Subject='Historical' ) and ( Author='Parkin. Tom W.' ) and ( Railway='' ) and ( Location='Ladysmith' ) and ( ProvinceState='BC' ) and ( Notes='2. First Avenue, Ladysmith, BC. Commemoration of towns industrial past. ' ) and ( PDF='' ) ) ) ) limit 0, 1

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