Branchline Index [2021-01-01, 15, Photograph, Urban rail, BRS Collection, Sudbury and Copper Cliff Street Railway, Sudbury, ON, Sudbury and Copper Cliff Street Railway S&CC) No. 34 built by the J.G. Brill Company for the Schuylkill Railway of Girardville, Pennsylvania was acquired by the S&CC in 1929. It is posing in front
of the car barn on Notre Dame Ave. (BRS Archives),
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Urban rail
BRS Collection
Sudbury and Copper Cliff Street Railway
Sudbury and Copper Cliff Street Railway S&CC) No. 34 built by the J.G. Brill Company for the Schuylkill Railway of Girardville, Pennsylvania was acquired by the S&CC in 1929. It is posing in front
of the car barn on Notre Dame Ave. (BRS Archives)