Branchline Index [2021-05-01, 1, Photograph, Motive power, other, Sandusky, Robert, Canadian National, Inglewood, ON, Canadian National's unique motor train D1 with C1-C2 trailing, running as Train No. 661 from Hamilton to Allandale, was seen near
Inglewood, Ontario, on June 28, 1955. Minutes later it would pass through Cardwell, subject of a feature article beginning on page
3 of this issue of Branchline. Photograph by Robert Sandusky.,
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Motive power, other
Sandusky, Robert
Canadian National
Canadian National's unique motor train D1 with C1-C2 trailing, running as Train No. 661 from Hamilton to Allandale, was seen near
Inglewood, Ontario, on June 28, 1955. Minutes later it would pass through Cardwell, subject of a feature article beginning on page
3 of this issue of Branchline. Photograph by Robert Sandusky.