Branchline Index [2021-09-01, 6, Photograph, Motive power, diesel, Hansen, Keith, White Pass and Yukon, Skagway, AK, 15- MLW 110 leading three other similar units on the northbound freight from Skagway to Bennett, BC. It was run in two sections due to the steepness of the
grades. This section was a mix of mineral cars and a good-sized block of tank cars.
The two lead units were, to varying degrees, showing the colour scheme used prior to the all-blue version. Skagway, July 28, 1981.,
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Motive power, diesel
Hansen, Keith
White Pass and Yukon
15- MLW 110 leading three other similar units on the northbound freight from Skagway to Bennett, BC. It was run in two sections due to the steepness of the
grades. This section was a mix of mineral cars and a good-sized block of tank cars.
The two lead units were, to varying degrees, showing the colour scheme used prior to the all-blue version. Skagway, July 28, 1981.