
Former Canadian National Railways passenger car 4977 was built by the Canadian Car & Foundry in 1924 and started life as No. 5084.

Canadian National renumbered the car in 1969 and during its later years it was used for commuter service in the Montreal area.

The Society acquired the car in 1989 for use with ex-CP 1201 excursion service.

Following the retirement of 1201, the Society leased 4977 to The York Durham Heritage Railway in Uxbridge Ontario where the car was repainted from black and white CN livery to a more traditional green with gold lettering.

The lease with the YDHR ended in 2005 and the car was returned to the Society towards the end of the summer. The car's exterior has been restored and repainted in the old CN livery with the Society's name applied above the windows.

The car is currently under a major restoration (roof, windows, interior).


Technical Information

Type and Origin
Acquired 1989
Builder Canadian Car & Foundry
Model Passenger Car
Build date 1924
Length 81 ft
Air Conditioning None
Electric System 120 VAC
Wheels and Trucks  
Exterior Finish Green and Black Livery
Weight 72 tons (approx)

90 (as built)

64 (currently)

Performance Figures
Train brakes  Air